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"Laguna University Scholarship Monitoring System"

The Laguna University Scholarship Monitoring System (SMS) is an innovative platform that efficiently manages the scholarship program in Laguna University. By automating the application and verification processes, Scholarship Monitoring system significantly reduces time, resources, and paperwork, allowing the government to provide scholarships to deserving students promptly.

The Scholarship Monitoring System is a web‐based information system designed to assist with the scholarship at the Laguna University. The system’s primary uses include tracking the status of scholarship viewing data in regard to scholarships and applicants. The system also includes functionality to add, edit, and delete any stored data, as well as to generate highly customizable reports. Although the primary users of the system are the scholarship coordinator and assistants, the system also allows scholarship recipients to interactively respond to their awards. Although the system itself is the primary deliverable, developing the actual system code was a relatively small portion of the entire project.